029 2002 1777


Making the worlds goods

Your new LED lighting system will improve light quality, generate energy savings, lower your energy bills, reduce your carbon and improve your health and safety.

What do we offer?

Ineco Energy provide a way to significantly reduce operating costs, maximise operational efficiencies and improve corporate social responsibility. We do this by understanding your business and identifying which of our technologies can help you.

Manufacturing businesses are some of the largest energy consumers due to their operation and machinery required.

Find out how our LED lighting, Solar PV, battery storage, EV charging and energy monitoring can help your business.

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LED for manufacturing and factories

LED lighting relieves many of the problems that employees have with traditionally poorly lit manufacturing and factory floors, such as eye strain, headaches and poor finished quality of products.

By improving the light levels across your industrial premises, your team will be able to gain sharper focus, spot defects more easily and produce a higher standard of work. As a result, your finished product is of a higher quality standard for your customers.

Replacing an inefficient lighting system with low-energy LED lighting can save your business up to 80% on its electricity bill and save thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions too.

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Solar PV for manufacturing and factories

Large industrial building roofs are an ideal location for commercial solar panels, or solar PV systems.

Energy-intensive manufacturing processes can go hand in hand with large electricity bills. But they don’t have to. Powering your business with solar energy, generated onsite, allows you to minimise your electricity bills, protecting your business from rising electricity costs and taking a powerful step towards energy independence.

Switching to a renewable electricity source is vital to being a more sustainable business.

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Battery Storage for manufacturing and factories

The ability to store energy on site and use that power when required is an increasingly important capability for large manufacturing and industrial sites.

For those industrial sites that operate long production or working hours, battery storage such as the Tesla Powerwall provides the ideal solution to the issue of wasted energy, storing energy for hours of darkness or excess demand.

By drawing on your own battery power to reduce demand from the grid at peak times, organisations can reduce their exposure to the high charges associated with peak “red bands”.

One of the best financial benefits of battery storage is participation in National Grid’s balancing services. National Grid requires businesses to help it balance network supply and demand. Electricity stored in your batteries can provide much-needed flexibility to the National Grid, enabling your organisation to earn revenue by offering their battery capacity to the network.

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Who have we worked with?

Ineco Energy specialise in helping commercial businesses to reduce their operating costs by adopting renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies.

We have examples of projects where we have saved companies millions of pounds. Environmentally, our clients are placed on a stronger footing too, with millions of tonnes of carbon emissions able to be saved over the lifetime of the products.

Thorlux Case Study / EPC Case Study / Brecon Mountain Railway Case Study / R-Tech Materials Case Study

To read more on how we’ve assisted companies to save money and help to save the planet, visit our case studies section.

Funding, Grants and Finance to help my business save money and help the planet.

There are many free grants and other forms of financial assistance available to businesses to access renewable energy and other forms of energy-efficient technology.

We have years of experience in seeking out funding streams and making successful applications on behalf of our clients. We can also provide more traditional methods of financing renewable energy and other forms of energy-efficient technology investments.

With the right finance in place, your business can start making savings from day one.

We update our information regularly, contact us if your area or business isn’t listed below.





Yes, we work with Salix Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme (SEELS), which delivers interest-free loans with no upfront cost, while the loans are repaid using energy savings. It is funded by the Department for Education, meaning all maintained schools and sixth form colleges are eligible to apply for funding to install energy efficiency measures, such as Solar PV panels and LED lighting, to enhance the learning environment and reduce energy usage. We are also able to manage the administration of the funding application to reduce the burden on your management and busy office team.

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